Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Case Study: Making a Practicing Attorney Drive an Innovation Project
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Most lawyers are enthusiastic about innovation projects, until they are put in charge. The toll it could take on their billable hours, the risk of attaching their reputation to an innovation project, and simply the work itself can all be overwhelming. For that reason, they usually prefer to let someone else to innovate for them.In this interview session, we will highlight how a practicing attorney was convinced to get involved in an innovation project, what support was provided to help her succeed, and what she did to solve her own problem – to the benefit of the entire firm – within the time span of 4 months.Questions Barbara will ask speakers:1) Tell us in short about your project and how was it different from the others that you did in the past.2) What made you say yes to this program?3) What were the biggest challenges and takeaways from going through this process?4) What do you think law firms can do to encourage more practicing attorneys to get involved in projects like this?5) What are the benefits of having practicing attorneys involved in innovation projects and why doesn’t it happen very often?
Moderator:@Barbara Gondim Da Rocha - Head of Knowledge Management and Innovation, RMS Advogados
Speakers:@Floor Blindenbach - Founder & CEO, Organizing4InnovationMayna Felix - Lawyer, RMS Advogados
Recorded on 06-28-2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Managing Expectations in eDiscovery
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Project management skills are essential in litigation support to respect deadlines and deliverables. Similar to juggling many balls at once and the trick is not to drop one, two, or more. Get advice from experts on managing expectations - the key to success is not always known - but the key to failure is certainly trying to please everyone.Questions Kathy will ask speakers:- What are some of the most difficult expectations you have had to deal with and how have you dealt with them?- Do you have any time management strategies you can pass along? How can you effectively prioritize to meet demands?- Can or should a plan-B be offered when a deliverable is impossible ?- What advice would you give to someone about managing expectations?Moderator:@Kathy Dallaire, CEDS - CEDS, eDiscovery and Litigation Support Coordinator, Stikeman Elliott LLPSpeakers:@James MacGregor - Partner, Forcyd@Stephanie Clerkin - Director of Litigation Support, Korein Tillery LLC
Recorded on 06-27-2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Data and the Strategic Business Decision
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
More and more law firms are turning to analyzing their data to drive business decisions. What is the main driver behind this and what do firm leaders see data providing today that would help make decisions? In addition, we will discuss in this interview what types of data should they be looking at and what tools are or should they be using?Questions that Tracey will ask speakers:-What is the main driver behind more and more law firms turning to analyzing their data to drive business decisions?-What do firm leaders see data providing today that would help make decisions?-What types of data should they be looking at?-What tools are or should they be using?
Moderator:@Tracey Pardo - IS Improvement and Reporting Analyst, Cooley LLP
Speakers:@Royale Price - Director of Pricing and Matter Management, Greenberg TraurigKatie Styler - Principal, Axiom Consulting Partners
Recorded on 06-24-2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Articulating the Adoption and Value of Legal Technology
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
We all know that new technology without adoption, isn’t useful to advancing our organizational goals nor does it highlight the value of the technology.But how do you articulate the value of the technology without adoption? It’s a bit of the chicken or the egg conversation that anyone deploying a new technology faces. Join us as we discuss how business sponsors can articulate the adoption and value of legal technology to drive sustainable change.Questions Rachel will ask Nikki:• Adoption is critical to the success to legal technology, during the planning process when should the conversation around adoption take place?• Do you think challenge to legal tech adoption is a US centric problem or is this a global industry problem?• Do you think lawyers are really change adverse or is the value not always articulated?• Who should decide if technology is successfully adopted? Who is responsible for articulating the value?• What skills do you think need to be applied to have successful adoption?
Moderator: @Rachel Shields Williams - Director, Knowledge Management, Sidley Austin LLP
Speaker:@Nicola Shaver - CEO, Co-Founder, LegalTechnology Hub
Recorded on 06-23-2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Summer 2022 CEO Podcast: Peer to Peer
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Join ILTA for another engaging and insightful CEO podcast, featuring ILTA CEO Joy Heath Rush and Director of Publications and Press, Beth Anne Stuebe. Summer of 2022 is off to a great start with this episode!
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Hopscast #6- Summer 2022 Peer to Peer
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Welcome back for an all-new episode of Hopscast! Featuring Philadelphian Dave Isaac, we sit down for a great conversation about tech and sports and, of course, Hops!
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Mobile Devices: We Use Them All Day Long - When Do We Start Protecting Them?
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
This podcast interview session will take a look into our mobile devices (super computers in our pocket) and the built in (or lack there of) security around them.Can we rely on our devices out of box as long as they’re managed or has the time come where we need to take mobile security to the next level?Questions that David will ask speaker:1. Mobile devices are essentially a smaller version of a computer that can fit in your pocket. They’re on us and in use almost all the time. Confidential information flows to, from and through them, yet we don’t seem to secure them to the same level as a computer. Is that because they’re just secure out of the box? Or are we missing something?2. What types of threats and attacks should we be concerned about with our mobile devices?3. A lot of organizations may say we use MDM (mobile device management) to secure our mobile fleet of devices. Is an MDM sufficient?4. If out of the box security and usage of an MDM is not quite enough, what addition protections should we be looking at?5. How should different usage patterns and user interfaces of mobile devices factor into an organization's model of the mobile security threat and mobile security solutions?6.Obviously budgets and staff have an influence on just how much security you can deploy and manage. What would be the top 3 items that all businesses and mobile users should put into place to help protect their mobile devices?
Moderator: @David Whale - Director Information Security, Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP
Speaker:@Seth Hallem - CEO & Chief Architect, Mobile Helix
Recorded on 06-17-2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Sentiment Analysis – Real World Results
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Now that Sentiment Analysis has gone live within RelativityOne, Relativity has gotten feedback of how clients are using this form of analytics. This podcast session will detail real world examples of how sentiment analysis has added to successful review.The AI-powered Sentiment Analysis feature is now in Advanced Access and will be available to RelativityOne users later this year. Sentiment Analysis will allow users to identify positive and negative sentiment in their data. The analysis is conducted on a sentence-by-sentence basis so that even if negative sentiment is buried within a longer conversation, users will not miss that key information.Moderator:@Andrea Shirey - IT Consultant, Bayer Corporation Legal Department
Speaker:Dilan Dubey - Product Manager, RelativityRecorded on 06-16-2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
If we have learned one thing from the pandemic, it’s the fact that we can’t always meet in person but we can continue business.In this podcast, the speakers will discuss ways that eSignatures, remote online notaries and virtual rooms can eliminate the need to travel to an in person Notary.Questions the Co-Moderators will ask Speakers:○ Could you please tell our listeners a little about yourselves? Aaron, let's start with you.○ If you both could briefly chime in as to what e-signatures are and what you can accomplish with them, that would be a great place to start.○ Can you explain for our listeners, how Notaries worked pre-pandemic?○ With the ongoing digital transformation, eSignatures became very popular in the last 2 years. More eSignature vendors offer unique features to digitize traditional workflows in different industries. We know you are familiar with online notarization and Virtual Rooms. Can you tell us more about Remote Online Notarization and Virtual Rooms? What are those and how can they help busy attorneys?Co-Moderators:@Jack Recinto - Senior Applications Director, Vedder Price P.C.@Alisher Yuldashev - Business Technology Advisory Manager, Borden Ladner Gervais
Speakers:-Aaron Davis - Director, Product Marketing, OneSpan-Raquel Lima - Product Manager, OneSpan
Recorded on 04-17-2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
This session will review the different opportunities to make data-driven decisions in law firms and the challenges that go with them. Ideally the session, will differentiate between organizational/enterprise applications and client facing/legal advice applications.The goal is to map when data-driven decision-making is a good idea and when it is not. Further the session, will explore what to look for in terms of actions taken from data alone (bias, available data) and give tips how to get started and where to find structured data within your organization/firm to get started for a quick win.Questions Christiane will ask Andrew:• How can data enhance decision making?• When is it not appropriate?• What are the limitations: Bias, Data Hygiene• What needs to happen to make better use of data in the future?Moderator:@Christiane Matuch - Manager, Axiom Consulting Partners
Speaker:@Andrew Medeiros - Director of Innovation Solutions, Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLPRecorded on 04-21-2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Data, Data, Data...Where Do You Start?
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Everyone is talking about data analytics and the evolving role of KM in conducting analytics. In this podcast, we will discuss where do you start, what tools are needed, what skill sets are required, how do you avoid stepping on the toes of others in the firm, such as the marketing or finance team and who may also be doing analysis of data?Questions Carolyn will ask Bobbi:1. Traditionally KM has been about developing standards, templates and taxonomies to locate knowledge and expertise within the organization. But, now, we are starting to see the evolving “role of data” in providing actionable information as part of knowledge management. Bobbi, does this resonate with you?2. DA Investments/Efforts/Initiatives:a. The increasing interest in data analytics – used to be fairly focused on financials and LPM, but now seeing analytics around diversity and retention, legal process improvement – is that consistent with what you are seeing in firms?b. Is the push to do more with data analytics coming from clients or from within firms themselves as they strive to find ways to improve efficiencies and profitability?3. Building Capabilities (Hiring Trends/Roles)a. A few years ago there was a trend to hire data scientists and data analysts – is this trend continuing?b. How are you seeing that KM’s role is evolving to support data analytics capabilities?4. Where to Start (Demonstrating Value/Low Hanging Fruit).A What is the low hanging fruit?B What would be the advice you’d give the person who wants to show the value of data analytics as applied in the“real world” of a practicing law firmModerator:@Caroline Sweeney - Director of Knowledge Management & Innovation, Dorsey & Whitney
Speaker:@Bobbi Basile - Managing Director, HBR Consulting LLCRecorded on 04-08-2022